Short Summary
Un Día Más Un Día Menos tells the story of Leo, a young boy who is left on his Tia Adelita and cruel Tio Arturo's ranch while his father leaves to look for work in hopes of supporting him. After years of separation Leo discovers what Tio Arturo has been hiding and leaves in search of his father.
Inspired by true events Un Día Más Un Día Menos sheds light on the struggle many families living in poverty face everyday. This film gives breath to stories about young individuals who risk their lives to escape abusive and cruel living situations in hopes of finding a better future. Un Día Más Un Día Menos also sheds light on how damaging machismo is to the Latino community and how those attitudes and morals affect young men.The purpose of this film is to highlight one brave boy’s journey to a future that was taken away from him at such a young age.
Our team strives to bring change to the Latino community through our film. With your contribution not only will you uplift Latino stories and voices, helping expand our story to audiences and highlight a new perspective. You will also help share this deeply intimate view of our protagonist, Leo’s life. The message of Un Día Más Un Día Menos is not to give up, even when you feel like you are all alone in this world.
Every cent counts! Your contributions help make our film possible!
100% of your donation will be used for the following:
Contributions to Un Día Más Un Día Menos are 100% tax deductible, CSUN is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization
We Care About The Safety Of Our Crew!
The safety of our cast and crew is paramount and we are dedicated to keep a Covid safe set. Our team will be following the guidelines recommended by the CDC and SAG-AFTRA.
For this tier, you will be given a social media shoutout on our films Instagram and/or Facebook page! You will personally be thanked over social media for all to see!
For this tier, your name will be credited at the end of the film following our cast and crew! You will also receive a social media shoutout!
With this generous donation, you will receive an Un Día Más Un Día Menos film poster signed by our talented cast & crew! You will also receive a social media shoutout and your name on the big screen!
For this tier, you will be invited to be on set for one day and you will see your name credited as an Executive Producer on screen. You will also receive a social media shoutout and a signed film poster.