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Rusty Signal Video Game

Rusty robot on screen
Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
17 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 13, at 12:55 AM PDT
Project Owners

Rusty Signal- Senior Design Project

Rusty Signal is a Senior Design project done by a group of students within the Computer Science Department. Our goal is to fundraise money to help us hire artists and buy material for our video game. We are looking to create a three dimensional platformer that gives the players an opportunity to immerse themselves in an adventure game that follows a story line. Our game will allow for people to play as a robot that has escaped a laboratory in a post-human world and is on the run from a evil scientist. By donating to our project you will be able to among some of the first people in the public to play our video game and provide us feedback on how to improve your gaming experience.    

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