Thank you for supporting El Raspado Man! He's decided to give you a shout-out on his Instagram page!
Because of your support for our creative side, you will gain exclusive access to the concept art, storyboards, and logos. (Includes previous tiers)
With this tier, you get an early sneak peek at our behind-the-scenes content such as set photos and videos. (Includes previous tiers)
A personalized thank you letter will be sent to you! It will include messages and art from the El Raspado Man crew! (Includes previous tiers)
With this tier, your name will be shown off in the "Special Thanks" section of our film's end credits! (Includes previous tiers)
The first donor to contribute at this level will get to create their own special Raspado flavor for the film! Each subsequent donor will have the perks of the previous tiers plus a signed script by the crew! (Includes previous tiers)
To thank you, an item featured in the story will be personalized by the crew and gifted to you!
To thank you for such a tremendous contribution, your name will be listed as an Executive Producer in our film's end credits!