For this Tier, we will thank you personally on all our social media platforms (FB, IG, Twitter and TikTok) for supporting our project!
For this tier, you will receive full access to our online library containing all behind the scenes photos! (Includes previous tiers)
For this Tier, we will mail you a printed crew photo with a personalized message thanking you for your donation! (Includes previous tiers)
For this tier, we will invite you to a virtual Q&A event after we wrap production! (Includes previous tiers)
For this tier, we will invite to the virtual premiere of "Ruby's Dad" and you will be among the first people to watch the finished project! (Includes previous tiers)
For this Tier, your name will be perpetuated in our film and you will be able to read your name in the end credits. (Includes previous tiers)
For this generous donation, you will become part of the team and will receive updates on the current status of the project. Your name will also be listed as Executive Producer in the credits at the end of the film to show our deepest gratitude for your support. (Includes previous tiers)